Work in Switzerland
The right institutions for the job search!
Ukrainians who have fled to Switzerland would very much like to immerse themselves in the world of work in order to have the opportunity to support themselves. Requests have also come in at FOMOSO. We are also asked questions about this topic.
Above all, many people from the Ukraine do not seem to be fully aware that the work structures in most of Switzerland are closely linked. In other words, living in the countryside, for example, does not automatically mean a disadvantage in the world of work or in infrastructure (e.g. digitalisation, schools, etc.). Nevertheless, there is still a certain degree of insecurity, which means that many Ukrainians prefer to live and look for work in or near the city.
It is therefore important to mention here that the people from Ukraine, who are finally allocated in village regions by the federal government via the cantons, do not need worry. Strong and distinctive infrastructures (excellent schools, Internet connections, etc.) cover the whole of Switzerland and the work is not tied to one’s location. This means that Ukrainians with residence status S can find work anywhere in Switzerland, regardless of the canton in which they live. So, there are no geographic restrictions or disadvantages when it comes to finding work.
The cantons help jobseekers to find work. This is where the canton can play an important role in terms of registration and support. Anyone looking for a job can register with the responsible regionalen Arbeitsvermittlungszentrum (RAV). Each canton has contact points for this. There, the refugees can get more detailed information and discuss the possibilities. For a meeting, it is certainly advisable to make an appointment by phone or e-mail (request for an interpreter is always possible). Contact details can be found on the websites of the respective RAV.
In the canton of Solothurn, it is best to contact the RAV in Solothurn or Olten. For anyone in the canton of Solothurn who lives in the Dorneck or Thierstein districts, contact the RAV in the canton of Baselland.
If you have any further or additional questions for FOMOSO, please contact us either via or via the following Facebook group: