Political Documents

Here you can find important political documents, declarations and treaties concerning Central-Eastern and Southeastern Europe:

Agreements & Treaties

Peace Treaty of Brest in German (03.03.1918)

• Stabilisation and Association Agreement EU (26.03.2001)

• Dayton Agreement

• Switzerland-Czech Republic (Czechoslovakia): Various Agreements & Treaties in German (1926-2013)

• Free Trade Agreement between the EFTA States and Bosnia and Herzegovina

• Stabilisation and Association Agreement between the EU and Bosnia-Herzegovina in German

Stabilisation and Association Council:  The EU and Bosnia-Herzegovina in German

• Military Technical Agreement between KFOR and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and the Republic of Serbia

Southeastern Europe

• Constitution of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (1992)

• Agreement on Special Parallel Relations (Republic of Srpska & Federal Republic of Yugoslavia)

• Text of Agreed Measures for the Implementation of the Agreement on Education (Kosovo & Republic of Serbia, 1998)

a) North Macedonia

The Constitution of the Republic of Macedonia

Treaty of  Bucharest (10.08.1913) – Territorial Reorganisation of Macedonia after the End of  the Second Balkan War

Treaty of von London (26.04.1915) – Territorial Division of Macedonia

• Interim Agreement between Greece and Macedonia (13.09.1995)

Agreement on the Relations between Macedonia and Yugoslavia (08.04.1996)

• Macedonia: Framework Agreement of Ohrid (13.08.2001)

Macedonia enters the United Nations (09.04.1993)

• North Macedonia – a list of Bilateral Investment Treaties

b) Slovenia

• Declaration of Independence of the  Republic of Slovenia

Border Treaty of Rapallo between Italia and the Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes (12.11.1920)

Treaty of Osimo between Italia and Yugoslavia (10.11.1975)

• Brioni Declaration  (1991)

• Drnovšek-Račan – Treaty between Slovenia and Croatia (2001)

Declaration to Prevent Border Conflicts in Slovenian (2005)

 Agreement on a n International Arbitration Award in the Border Conflict between Slovenia and Croatia in Slovenian (26.08.2007)

• Arbitration Agreemetn between Slovenia and Croatia (2009)

• Arbitration Agreement between Slovenia and Croatia  – Final Award (2017)

• Partnership Agreement between Slovenia and European Commission (2014-2020)

• Joint declaration of the Republic of Slovenia and the United States on 5G security (2020)

• Trio presidency declaration on gender equality

c) Croatia

Border Treaty of Rapallo between Italia and the Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes (12.11.1920)

Treaty of Osimo between Italia und Yugoslavia (10.11.1975)

• Drnovšek-Račan – Treaty between Slovenia and Croatia (2001)

Agreement on an International Arbitration Award in the Border Conflict between Slovenia and Croatia in Slovenian (26.08.2007)

• Arbitration Agreement  between Slovenia and Croatia (2009)

d) Bosnia and Herzegovina

• Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina

e) Serbia

• Constitution of the Republic of Serbia

f) Montenegro

• Constitution of Montenegro

• Montenegro – a list of Bilateral Agreements

g) Bulgaria

• Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria

h) Greece

• Constitution of Greece

The Baltics

a) Estonia

• Treaty of Good Understanding and Co-operation between Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania (12.09.1934 in Geneva)

• Beistandspakt zwischen der UDSSR und Estland in Deutsch (28.09.1939)

• Beschluss des Obersten Sowjets der Estnischen Sozialistischen Sowjetrepublik über den Status Estlands in Deutsch (30.03.1990)

• Beschluss über die Beziehungen zwischen der Republik Estland und der UdSSR in Estnisch (07.08.1990)

• Deutsch-Estnischer Nichtangriffsvertrag in Deutsch (07.06.1939)

• Grundgesetz der Republik Estland in Deutsch (28.06.1990)

• Gesetz der Estnischen Sowejtischen Sozialistischen Republik über die Staatliche Symbolik Estlands in Deutsch (08.05.1990)

b) Latvia

• Deklaration des Obersten Sowjets der Lettischen SSR über die Wiederherstellung der Unabhängigkeit der Republik Lettland (04.05.1990)

• Deutsch-Lettischer Nichtangriffsvertrag (07.06.1939)

• Erklärung des Obersten Sowjets der Republik Lettland über die Souveränität Lettlands in Deutsch (28.07.1989)

• Grundgesetz der Republik Lettland in Deutsch (15.02.1922)

• Die Lettischen Minderheitendeklaration in Deutsch (07.07.1923)

• Vertrag über die Umsiedlung Lettischer Bürger Deutscher Volkszugehörigkeit in das Deutsche Reich in Deutsch (30.10.1939)

The Constitution of the Republic of Latvia about the independency of Latvia

c) Lithuania

Act of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Lithuania “on the restoration of the Lithuanian state” (11.03.1990)

• Decree on the Lithuanian Language (25.01.1989)

Constitution of Lithuania in German (25.10.1992

Visegrád States

• Central European Free Trade Agreement (21.12.1992)

a) Czech Republic

• The Brezhnev Doctrine (12.11.1968)

b) Poland

• Treaty between the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the Polish People’s Republic concerning the Demarcation of the Existing Soviet-Polish State Frontier (50.03.1957)

Eastern Europe

a) Belarus

Overview on important Documents and (Bilateral) Treaties