We are part of the Europa-Allianz

Who is the Europa-Allianz?
The Europa-Allianz (Europe Alliance) is a coalition of various organisations, parties, and institutions that advocate for an improved and proactive European policy by Switzerland. Its aim is to strengthen the relationships with Europe. The Allianz is open to new interested organisations. If interested, we warmly invite you to get in touch with us.
What is the Europa-Initiative?
As a direct democracy, Switzerland enables its citizens to initiate a vote on specific issues by collecting at least 100,000 valid signatures within 18 months. The Europe-Initiative, launched by the Europa Allianz, is now an effort to embed the relationships between Switzerland and Europe in the federal constitution. This initiative aims to encourage Switzerland to engage proactively and constructively with European integration. It involves not just individual agreements but a comprehensive consideration of the relationship with Europe.
The Europa-Initiative has been launched!
With the newly launched Europa-Initiative, the Europa-Allianz is taking an offensive approach. The goal of the initiative is to anchor the topic of Europe in the federal constitution, thereby providing Switzerland with a tool to constructively engage with European integration.
Independent of the ongoing negotiations between Switzerland and the EU, which the Allianz welcomes and intends to supplement with this initiative, the initiative advocates for the long-term promotion and strengthening of European cooperation. Beyond existing and future treaties, it aims to consolidate the foundation of a proactive, broadened perspective, and confident Swiss European policy. As a result, Switzerland can also strengthen its position in Europe, gain recognition, and convincingly negotiate with European partners, ultimately benefiting both sides. It is time to break free from the deadlock often characterised by passive, hesitant, and short-term policies.
To advance this initiative, collecting over 100,000 signatures within the next 18 months is necessary to enable a vote. Those interested in helping or receiving a signature form can gladly contact the association based in the Canton of Solothurn at www.fomoso.org.
Article in the media: https://www.soaktuell.ch